Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Squidoo (or don't)*

If you find your friend's eyes glazing over when you spout on with fanatical zeal about the intricacies of Taiwanese Hot Pots, you may find an interested and inquisitive audience by building a Squidoo page about the object of your obsession. It's basically an easy to use web page builder with the ability to integrate RSS feeds, YouTube videos, Amazon lists, etc., etc. Users get revenue from ads and have the option to share with a charity or keep the filthy lucre from their Millionaire Singles Dating site for themselves. There is a ranking system to see how popular your site is in comparison to other pundit pages in your topic category. As a generalist interested in everything and nothing, the best I could come up with was this antipollyannic (I coined that!) World At War page. I guess it was reflective of my mood at the time.

* apologies for the terrible headline

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